
About the Size of It

It is me, lying on the floor, my body large enough to almost fill the space of the room I am. It is me, a mere dot of a concept on a planet rotating in its orbit in a universe of movement. I am so full, the breath so large it pushes against every edge of its confines. I am too big for this limited body. I am just one small person with so many ideas. I am almost non-existent as I walk through the woods, a mere human, so minuscule within all this Nature. My presence as Human is so large it invades and affects every inch of this planet Earth. This is about the size of it.

i think it is really important to scrub at our perceptions on a regular basis, give them a good shake up and dust off. Our point of view can so easily become stale, patterned, so much a part of the background of our being that we forget that it is there. We take things for granted - which can be very helpful because consider how overwhelming it would be to have to constantly have to consider every aspect of all the things we take for granted - yet it is also important to take some time to notice, to observe, to ponder the ways our perceptions have become patterned and to seek out ways that they can grow and change.

I think it is important to consciously choose perspective palate cleansers, like the lemon water between courses of a meal, intended to give us space on our tongue and in our experience to truly enjoy each dish for its own merit, The movement form of Express Yourself that I offer is designed to be that sort of thing, an opportunity give some space in your life so that you can access more enjoyment, more flavor of the every day.

The concept we will be exploring in the next Express Yourself is the perspective of size and how we take up space. The journal entry I shared above is one way I’ve explored this concept. I will share other ways to explore when we meet on Tuesday. During this event we will have the opportunity to be creative, to play with taking up space, to move ourselves, to share our stories with other equally curious folks in movement and words. And that, my friends, That’s About the Size of It. Look forward to moving with you soon.