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Mindful Move Groove - HBS

  • Heart Body and Soul 1004 West Worley Street Columbia, MO, 65203 United States (map)

 Fun like a Flash Mob.       Mindful like Tai Chi.    Energizing like Zumba.

Mindful Move Groove is fun, choreographed movement set to upbeat, familiar music and supported by mindful, gentle deep somatic warm-ups. All the moves are designed to enhance resilience, strength, balance, mood and body awareness without high speed or high intensity movement.  Each Mindful Move Groove-HBS is based on a body of familiar choreographic work and music we explore each session.  Each session will also be unique because Victoria adjusts the material on the fly to meet the needs and the interests of the participants present!

Mindful Move Groove is accessible and beneficial to a wide range of populations, even those who believe they can't "dance!".   All of it can be done standing or seated, as works best for the individual participant.

Mindful Move Groove is the creation of local Movement Educator and Facilitator Victoria Day.  All the choreography is original, inspired by popular and classic dance moves and informed by integrated movement fundamentals.  Fun AND Healthy!

1st and 3rd Thursdays

1 - 2 p.m.

$10 drop-in/ register at Heart, Body and Soul

Later Event: April 19
Movement Fundamentals