“Embodiment” is the ability to slow down and recognize that your body, your breath and tissue, your sensations of self and the environment, is always only in the present.
Embodiment requires the creative ability to notice and allow the life of the universe to move into and through our bodies, to be present and process it, and to find ourselves in a new relationship with our world.
To "play" means engaging in an activity for enjoyment and fun, to re-create and recuperate, to learn with ease.
Using bits and pieces from the movement forms Express Yourself and Movement Fundamentals we will play with non-verbal communication - exploring what it is to make, break, maintain, flow with, lead and shift energetic connections within ourselves, with other dancers and as a community!
Join with other curious movers as we dance what it is to be: Me. You. Us. Them.
$20 if paid day before event: $25 at the door, check or cash only
Pay by Venmo @EmbodimentLLC or mail check to: Embodiment LLC, P.O. Box 118, Columbia, MO 65205 with the note “Embodiment Play”
To find out more about what Victoria offers, please visit http://www.embodimentllc.com/understanding-what-i-offer/